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The artist in modern society UNESCO

by UNESCO. International Conference of Artists Venice 22-28 September 1952.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1954Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 700.92 ART (1).

Catalogue of colour reproductions of paintings 1860 to 1961 Philip Hendy

by Hendy,Philip.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1961Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 752 HEN-C (1).

Catalogue of colour reproductions of paintings 1860 to 1963 Franz Meyer

by Meyer,Franz.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1963Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 752 MEY-C (1).

Catalogue of colour reproductions of paintings 1860 to 1952 Lionello Venturi

by Venturi,Lionello.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco c1949Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 752 VEN-C (1).

Catalogue of colour reproductions of paintings prior to 1860 Andre Chastel

by Chastel,Andre.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco c1957Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 752 CHA-C (2).

Catalogue of colour reproductions of paintings 1860 to 1955 Jean Leymarie

by Leymarie,Jean.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1955Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 752 LEY-C (1).

International Directory of Photographic archives of Works of Art vol. 2 Editor Dunod

by Dunod [ed.].

Language: eng-fre Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1954Other title: r‚portoire International des archives photographiques d'oeuvres d'art.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 770.601 INT (1).

Directory of artistic training centres in Asia and the Pacific 1986 Naotoshi Fukui

by Fukui,Naotoshi.

Language: English Publisher: Tokyo Asian Cultural centre for UNESCO (ACCU) 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 707.95 FUK-D (2).

Professsional training of the artist National Gallery of Victoria

by National Gallery of Victoria.

Language: English Publisher: Canberra Australian National Advisory Committee for UNESCO 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 707 PRO (1).

Art education an International survey Basilio Vribe...[etal]

by Uribe,Basilio | Philpot,Arthur A | Uzdil,Jaramir | Guillenchmidt,Michel. de | Soika,J.A | Gade,H.A | Accatino,Enrico | Koike,Yoshido | Grillo,Yusuf | Hockey,James M | Hausman,Jerome J | Yusov,Boris P.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 707 URI-A (2).

The art of writing an exhibition in fifty panels United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO c1965Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 745.6 ART (3).

Two thousand years of chinese painting United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1955Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 759.95 TWO (1).

The art of Srivijaya edited by M.C.Subhadradis Diskul

by Diskul,M.C.Subhadradis [ed.].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO c1980Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 734 ART (2).

Traditional performing arts of Korea Korean National Commission for UNESCO

by Korean National Commission for UNESCO.

Language: English Publisher: Korea Korean National Commission for UNESCO 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 790.2 TRA (2).

The performing arts in Asia edited by James R.Brandson

by Brandson,James R [ed.].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO c1971Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 790.2 PER (2).

Artists and their public Nigel Abercrombie

by Abercrombie,Nigel.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO press c1975Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 709.2 ABE-A (3).

The arts of Latin America UNESCO travelling exhibition United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO c1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 708.2 ART (1).

The artist in the modern society United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

by International Conference of the artist in modern society Venice September 22-28, 1952 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1954Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 709 ART (1).

Ramayana in the arts of Asia Kapila Malik Vatsyayan

by Vatsyayan,Kapila Malik.

Language: English Publisher: Tehran Asian Cultural Documentation centre for UNESCO 1975Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 709 VAT-R (1).

The arts of the book in Central Asia 14th - 16th centuries edited by Basil Gray

by Gray,Basil [ed.].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO c1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 745.6 ART (1).

The Devimahatmya printings preserved at the national archives, Kathmandu with introductory remarks and discriptions of the paintings Masahide Mori and Yoshiko Mori translated by Rolf W.Giebel

by Mori,Masahide | Mori,Yoshiko | Giebel,Rolf W [tr.].

Language: English Publisher: Tokyo The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for UNESCO 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 749 MOR-D (1).

Illustrated inventory of famous dismemebered works of art European painting with a section on dismembered tombs in finance United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by Unesco.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 755.56 ILL (1).

Planning for satellite braodcasting the Indian instructional television experiment Romesh Chander, Kiran Karnik

by Chander,Romesh | Karnik,Kiran.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 384.55452 PLA (1).

The economics of book publishing in developing countries Datus C. Smith

by Smith,Datus C.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 070.5091724 ECO (1).

Media studies in education John Maddison

by Maddison,John.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 371.358 MED (1).

External radio broadcasting and International understanding broadcasting to Yugoslavia Tomo Martelanc...[etal.]

by Martelanc,Tomo | Splichal,Slavko.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 384.54 EXT (1).

The book in multilingual countries a survey based on the proceedings of the symposium on the publication of books in the various language of multilingual countries Abul Hasan

by Hasan,Abul.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 070.5 BOO (1).

National communication policy councils principles and experiences Marco Antonio Rodrigues Dias...[etal.]

by Rodrigues Dias,Marco Antonio | Lee,John A.R.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 384 NAT (1).

Mass media: the image role and social conditions of women a collection and analysis of research materials Mieke Ceulemans, Guido Fauconnier

by Ceulemans,Mieke | Fauconnier,Guido.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 384.082 MAS (1).


Language: English Publisher: New Delhi UNESCO Regional Office of Science and Technology for South and Central Asia 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.767 ROS (1).

Social Science Research and Women in the Arab World Paulette Cooper

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO Frances Printers 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 305.40953 SOC (1).

Bibliographic guide to studies on the Status of Women development and population trends

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 305.6016 BIB (2).

The history of archives administration a select bibliography compiled by Frank B.Evans

by Evans, Frank B [comp.].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 350.7146097 HIS (1).

Bibliographical services throughout the world 1975 - 1979 by Marcelle Beaudiquez United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by Beaudiquez,Marcelle | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 060 BIB (1).

Directory of reference works published in Asia P.K. Garde United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations

by Garde,P.K | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1956Other title: Re'pertoire des ouvrages de re'fe'rence publie's en Asie.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 011.7095 DIR (1).

Bibliography educational and vocational guidance for girls and women International Bureau of Education

by UNited Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. International Bureau of Education.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1978Other title: Bibliographie.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.3054 UNI-B (1).

Bibliographical services through out the world supplement 1980 Marcelle Beaudiquez

by Beaudiquez,Marcelle.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1980Other title: Les services bibliographiques dans le monde.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 060 BIB (2).

Bibliography of Publications designed to raise the Standard of Scientific literature

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO [19--]Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.31 BIB (1).

Management, planning and monitoring population education programmes Population Education Programme Service

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. Population Education Programme Service.

Language: English Publisher: Bangkok UNESCO 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.3046 UNI-M (1).

The community school.-vol.1, no.1(1949)- its significance for fundamental education programmes with an introductory essay Gerardo Flores United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by Flores,Gerardo | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1955Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.1931 COM (2).

Comparative education.-vol.1, no.1(1949)- United Nations Educational and Scientific Organisations

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1958Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.195 COM (1).

Education in Israel .-vol.1, no.1(1949)- M. Avidor and J.S. Bentwich United Nations Educational and Scientific Organisations

by Avidor,M | Bentwich, J.S | United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1958Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.95694 EDU (1).

Rural education .-vol.1, no.1(1949)- United Nations Educational and Scientific Organisation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1958Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.19346 RUR (1).

Adult education and leisure - time activities in Czechoslavakia .-vol.1,no.1(1949)- United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 374 ADU (1).

Education in Italy.-vol.1, no.1(1949)- Enzo Petrini United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by Petrini,Enzo | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.945 EDU (1).

Citizenship education for girls.-vol.1, no.1 (1949) - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.30523 CIT (1).

Adult education in community development.-vol.1,no.1(1949)- United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 374 ADU (1).

The teaching of mathematics.-vol.1, no.1(1949)- G.Mialarct United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by Mialaret,G | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 510.7 TEA (1).

Primary education periodicals .-vol.1, no.1(1949)- United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 372.02 PRI (1).

Education in finland United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.-vol.1, no.1(1949-

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 372.4897 EDU (1).

Handbook for teachers a selected bibliography United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.-vol.1, no.1(1949-

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.372 HAN (1).

Educational research selected reports book on methodology, bibliography and journals United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.-vol.1, no.1(1949-

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.6 EDU (1).

Geography teaching.-vol.1,no.1(1949)- United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1961Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 910.7 GEO (2).

Correspondence education United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.-vol.1,no.1(1949)-

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1961Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370 COR (1).

Second language teaching in primary and secondary schools.-vol.1,no.1(1949)- United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1962Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 400.73723 SEC (2).

Training of science teachers for secondary schools D.E.T. Decker United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.-vol.1,no.4(1949)-

by Decker,D.E.T | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1962Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 371.10092 TRA (2).

Health Education.-vol.1,no.1(1959)- Winifred Warden United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by Warden,Winifred | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1962Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 372.37 HEA (2).

Agricultural education, vol. 1, no. 1 (1961)- United Nations Educational and Scientific Organisations

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1965Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.1163 AGR (2).

Inventory of data sources in science and Technology a preliminary survey Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council of Scientific Unions, General Information Programme and UNISIST compiled by M.E. Couch

by Couch, M.E [ed.] | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council of Scientific Unions | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. General Information Programme and UNISIST.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 500.2166 UNI-I (2).

An annotated bibliography on the relationship between technological change and education development International Institute for Educational Planning Tow Whiston, Peter Senker and Petrine Macdonald

by Whiston, Tom | Senker, Peter | Macdonald, Petrine | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. International Institute for Educational Planning.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.196 UNI-A (2).

IBE documentation centre catalogue 1980 - 84 International Bureau of Education

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. International Bureau of Education.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1985Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 028.3434 UNI-I (2).

World list of Social science periodicals International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation.

Edition: 2nd, rev. ed.Language: English Original language: French Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1957Other title: Liste mondiale des periodiques specialises dans les sciences sociales.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 300.5 UNI-W (1).

Documents of the International Conferences on Education Director General prepared by International Bureau of Education

by International Conference on Education 4th [Geneva] | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. Director - General | International Bureau of Education.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370 INT-D (1).

Education for International understanding a bibliography Indian National Commission for UNESCO

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations. Indian National Commission for UNESCO.

Language: English Publisher: New Delhi Indian National Commission for UNESCO 1964Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.016 UNI-E (1).

The Challenge to our cultural heritage why preserve the past? edited by Yudhishthir Raj Isar

by Isar, Yudhishthir Raj [ed.] | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations | United States. Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 304 CHA (1).

Hope for the Future Amadou - Mahtar M'Bow

by M'Bow,Amadou - Mahtar | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 19--Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.0112 HOP (1).

Bibliography children's books from Asia 1980 an annotated bibliography of illuatrated books for children in Asia

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Asian Cultural Centre. s.

Language: English Publisher: Tokyo Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.02 BIB (1).

Science and technology in development a Unesco approach Daniel Behrman

by Behrman,Daniel | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 303.483 SCI (1).

New religious movements and rapid social change edited by James A. Backford

by Backford, James A [ed.] | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation | International Sociological Association. Research Committee.

Language: English Publisher: Helsinki Finnish National Commission for UNESCO 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 303.4 NEW (1).

The challange presented to cultures by science and technology Jean Ladrieve

by Ladriere,Jean | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 304.651 CHA (1).

Where the future begins Amadou - Mahtar M'Bow

by Amadow - Mahtar | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 332.645 WHE (1).

Round table on apartheid United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisations

by Round table apartheid [Paris] | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 320.560968 ROU-R (1).

Facilitation problems of International Associations the legal, fiscal and administrative facilities of international non-governmental Organisations Raymond Spencer Rodgers seifert

by Rodgers,Raymond Spencer | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | Union of International Associations.

Language: English Publisher: Brussels Union of International Association for Unesco 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 372.40287 FAC (1).

The yearbook today in Africa S.I.A. Kotei

by Kotzi,S.I.A | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 050.96 YEA (1).

Functional illiteracy in Industrialized countries an analytical bibliography Ursala Giere

by Giere,Ursula | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Institute for Education. s.

Language: English Publisher: Hamburg Unesco institute for education 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 060.338 FUN (1).

Bibliographical services throughout the world 1965 - 69 compiled by Paul Avicenne

by Avicenne, Paul [comp.] | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016 BIB (1).

Book distribution and promotion problems in South Asia compiled and edited by N. Sankaranarayanan

by Sankaranarayanan, N [comp. &, ed.] | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Language: English Publisher: Madras Unesco 19--Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 070.5 BOO (2).

Preceptions and analysis of world Problems major programme 1. Creflection on world problems and future - oriented studies: Synoptic report 1984 - 1985 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 371.0094 PRE (1).

The Planning of Library and Documentation Services C.V. Penna edited by P.H. Sewell and Herman Liebaers

by Penna,C.V | Sewell, P.H,ed | Liebaers | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Edition: 2nd rev.ed.Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 025.17 PLA (1).

Conservation and restoration of archive materials Yash pal Kathpalia

by Kathpalia,Yash pal | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1973Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 028.84 CON (1).

Guide for the collection of traditional musical instruments Genevieve Docurnon collaboration of Simha Arom

by Dournon,Genevieve | Arom, Simha, coll.

Language: English Publisher: Geneva Unesco 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 784.19074 GUI (1).

A select bibliography of books about books United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Karachi Unesco, Regional Office for Culture and Book Development in Asia 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 011 UNI-S (1).

Methods of teaching librarieship Josefa E. Sabor United Nations Educations Scientific and Cultural Organisations

by Sabor, Josefa E | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 021.9207 MET (3).

Appropriate technologies in the concervation of cultural property United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 304.03 APP (1).

Planning early childhood care and education in developing countries Alastair Heron

by Heron,Alastair | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. International Institute for Educational Planning.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco, International institute for educational palnning 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 370.8309172 PLA (1).

Bibliographical services throughout the world 1970 - 74 Marcelle Beaudiquez

by Beaudiquzy,Marcelle | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.1 BIB (1).

Records of the General Conference

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. General Conference 22nd paris 1983.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1983Other title: Comptes rendos des de'bats.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 060 UNI-R (1).

Records of the general conference

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. General Conference 23rd Sofia 1985.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1987Other title: Comptes rendus des de'bats.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 060 UNI-R (1).

Bibliography on Population Clearing House Services for Population Education

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Clearing House Services for Population Education.

Language: English Publisher: Bangkok Unesco, Regional Office for Education in Asia 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.304.6 UNI-B (6).

The International dimensions of human rights Karel Vasak, Philip Alston United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by Vasak, Karel [ed.] | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 INT (4).

What kind of world are we leaving our children Amadou - Mahtar M'Bow...[et al..] United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by M'Bow,Amadou-Mahtar | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 305.231 WHA (1).

Youth and work, the incidence of the economic situation on the access of young people to education, culture and work report recommendations and documents of a European regional meeting venice, 7-11 November 1977

by European Regional Meeting [Venice].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 330.90835 EUR-Y (1).

Youth, tradition and development in Africa regional meeting on youth in Africa (Nairobi, Kenya, 17-22 December 1979)

by Regional Meeting on Youth in Africa [Nairobi, kenya].

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 305.235 REG-Y (2).

Proceedings International Congress on the teaching of human rights (September 1978, Vienna) thirtieth anniversory of the Universal declaration of human rights

by International Congress on the Teaching of Human Rights 30th [Vienna].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.48107 INT-P (1).

Bibliography of interlingual scientific and technical dictionaries compiled by J.E. Holmstrom

by Holmstrom, J.E [comp.].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1951Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.413 BIB (1).

A selected inventory of periodical publication biliographies in the social sciences Department of Social Sciences

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. Department of Social Science.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1951Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 011.343 UNI-S (1).

A register of legal documentation in the world International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. International Association of Legal Science. International Committee for Social Science Documentations.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1957Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 016.3 UNI-R (1).

Study abroad international scholarships and courses

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 378.34 STU (1).

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization list of documents and publications 1970-1976 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 011.52 UNI (1).

Thinking ahead United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and the changes of today and tomorrow United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. s.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 060 THI (1).

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