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HEW and title VI a report on the development of the organization, policies and compliance procedures of the development of health, education and welfare under title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-H (1).

Cultural rights Imre Szabo

by Szabo,Imre.

Language: English Publisher: [s.l.] UNESCO 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 344.09 CUL (1).

Violations of human rights possible rights of recourse and froms of resistance

by Meeting of experts on the analysis of the basics and forms of indidual and collective action by which Violations of Human Rights can be Cambated [Sierra, Leone].

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 MEE-V (1).

Bulletin of human rights

Language: English Publisher: Geneva United Nations 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 070.1323 BUL (3).

Fire next time James Baldwin

by Baldwin, James.

Language: English Publisher: London Michael Joseph 1963Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.173 BAL-F (1).

India votes a source book of Indian elections edited and compiled by R.Chandidas..[et al.]

by Chandidas, R [ed.].

Language: English Publisher: Bombay Popular Prakashan 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 324.54 IND (1).

Strategies for Social Justice Indian Institute of Technology

by Indian Institute of Technology(D lhi).

Publisher: New Delhi Commonwealth Publishers 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.460954 IND- (1).

Expanding governmental, lawlessness and organized struggles violaation of democratic rights of the monorities, women, slum dwellers, press and some other violations edited by A.R. Desai

by Desai,A.R.

Publisher: Bombay Popular Parkashan 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.30954 EXP- (2).

Rights of subordinated peoples Oliver Mendelsohn and Upendra Baxi

by Mendelsohn,Oliver | Baxi,Upendra.

Publisher: Delhi Oxford University Press 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 RIG- (2).

Democracy in world politics Lester B. Pearson

by Pearson,Lester B.

Publisher: New Jersey Princetion University 1955Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 320 PEA-D (1).

Principles of civics and Indian administrations K.R. Bombwell

by Bombwell,K.R.

Edition: 11th.Publisher: Delhi Atma Ram 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 320.410954 BOM-P (2).

Fundamental rights and the citizen edited by S.P. Aiyar and S.V. Raju

by Aiyar,S.P | Raju,S.V.

Publisher: Bombay Academic Books 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 342.54 FUN- (2).

I've shed my tears candid view of resurgeni India D.F. Karaka

by Karaka ,D.F.

Publisher: New York D. Appleton Century 1947Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 320.54 KAR -I (1).

Emergency in perspective reprieve and challenge Sachchidanand Sinha

Publisher: New Delhi Heritage Publishers 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.490954 SIN-E (1).

Individual and the group Indian study in conflict Mallik, B.K.

by Mallik,B.K.

Publisher: London George Allan and Unwin 1939Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 320.954 MAL-I (2).

History of legal battle Atal Behari Vajpayee, Shyammadan Mishra, Madhudandwate, L.K. Advani M. Rama Josi

by Jois ,M. Rama.

Publisher: Bangalore M.R. Vimala 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.954 JOI-H (2).

Problem of Indian nationality Sukumar Dutt

by Dutt,Sukumar.

Publisher: Calcutta University of Calcutta 1926Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.60954 DUT-P (2).

Islam in India's transition to modernity M.A. Karandikar

by Karandikar,M.A.

Publisher: Bombay Orient Longmans 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.10954 KAR-I (1).

Individual and the state a study political theory Sampurnanand

by Sampurnanand.

Publisher: Allahabad Kitab Mahal 1944Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 320.10954 SAM-I (2).

Citizen and the law V.K. Varadachari

by Varadachari,V.K.

Publisher: New Delhi Metropolitan 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.40954 VAR-C (2).

Indian political trials A.G. Noorani

by Noorani,A.G.

Publisher: New Delhi Sterling Publisher 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.4220954 NOO-I (1).

What is wrong with India R.K. Banerji

by Banerji,A.R.K.

Publisher: Allahabad Kitabistan n.dAvailability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.154 BAN-W (1).

Authority and the individual Bertrand Russell

by Russell,Bertrand.

Publisher: London George Allan and Unwin 1949Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.4 RUS-A (2).

Relation of the individual to the state under the Indian constitution P.N. Sapru

by Sapru,P.N.

Publisher: University of Calcutta 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.0954 SAP-R (1).

Human rights and world order struggle for human rights in the United Nations M. Moskowity

by Moskowity,M.

Publisher: New Delhi Oceana Publications 1958Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.4 MOS-H (1).

Government and the displaced persons study in social tensions C.N. Vakil Perin H. Cabinetmaker

by Vakil,C.N | Cabnetmaker,Perin H.

Publisher: Bombay Vora 1956Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 VAK-G (2).

Role of development banks planned economyh planned economy Prabhu N. Singh

by Singh,Prabhu N.

Publisher: Delhi Vikas Publishing 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.168 SIN-R (2).

Preventive detention in India case study in democratic social control David H. Bayley

by Bayley,David H.

Publisher: Calcutta Firma K.L. Mukhopadhayay 1962Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 345.0527 BAY-P (2).

Indian parliament and the fundamental rights P.B. Gajendragadkar

by Gojendragadkar,P.B.

Publisher: Caclutta Eastern Law 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 328.353 GAJ - I (1).

Way to communal harmony M.K. Gandhi edited by U.R.Rao

by Rao,M.K.

Publisher: Ahmedabad Navajivan Publishing House 1963Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.154 GAN-W (1).

Violation of democratic rights in India edited by A.R. Desai

Summary language: c Publisher: Bombay Popular Parkashan 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat Library (2).

Federal civil rights enforcement effort a report United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1971Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-F (1).

Human rights aspects of population programmes with special reference to human rights law United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-H (1).

Cultural rights as human rights United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: [s.l.] UNESCO 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 CUL (1).

Some suggestions on teaching about human rights United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.071 UNI-S (1).

Some suggestions on teaching about human rights United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO Regional Office 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 UNI-S (1).

International dimensions of humanitarian law Hendey Dunant Institute

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Henty Dunant Institute.

Language: English Publisher: Paris Unesco 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-I (2).

The International Bill of human rights normative and institutional development 1948-1985 Netherlands Institute of Human Rights compiled by Gert Westerveen

by Westerveen, Gert [comp.] | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Netherlands Institute of Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 UNI-I (1).

Human rights in Urban areas United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 UNI-H (1).

Human rights aspects of population programmes with special reference to human rights law United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization edited by Luke Lee

by Lee, Luke [ed.] | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-H (2).

Cultural rights as human rights

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 CUL (1).

Cultural rights as human rights

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 CUL (3).

Education for human rights an International perspective International Bureau of Education

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. International Bureau of Education.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO, International Bureau of Education 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.07 EDU (1).

Human rights international instruments signatures, rectifications, accessions, etc. (1 July 1982) United Nations

by United Nations.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 HUM (1).

Human rights status of international instruments Centre for Human Rights

by United Nations. Centre for Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-H (1).

International protection of human rights edited by Evan Laurd

by Luard, Evan [ed.].

Language: English Publisher: London Thames and Huston 1967Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 INT (1).

Year book of the Human Rights Committee 1987 vol. 1 International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights

by United Nations. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.06 UNI-Y (1).

Report Human Rights Committee

by United Nations. General Assembly. Human Rights Committee.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 UNI-R (1).

Report to the Commission on Human Rights Economic and Social Council

by United Nations. Economic and Social Council.

Language: English Publisher: [s.l.] United Nations 1947Other title: Rapport Adresse ALA Commission Des Droits de L' homme.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.906 UNI-R (1).

Report Commission on Human Rights

by United Nations. Economic and Social Council. Commission on Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-R (1).

Report on the forty-seventh session Commission on Human Rights

by United Nations. Economic amd Social Council. Commission of Human Rights.

Language: eng-eng Publisher: New York United Nations 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 UNI-R (1).

Report Human Rights Committee

by United Nations. General Assembly. Human Rights Committee.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.48106 UNI-R (1).

Report on the fourth session Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

by United Nations. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 306.06 UNI-R (1).

Report on the fiftieth session Commission on Human Rights

by United Nations. Econoimc and Social Council. Commission on Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.06 UNI-R (2).

Report on the forty-ninth session Commission on Human Rights

by United Nations. Econoimc and Social Council. Commission on Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.06 UNI-R (1).

Report on the first special session Commission on Human Rights

by United Nations. Commission on Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.06 UNI-R (1).

Report on the forty - ninth session Commission on Human Rights

by United Nations. Economic and Social Council. Commission on Human Rights.

Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.06 UNI-R (1).

Last Hired, First Fired Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-L (1).

Report (1959) United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-R (1).

Enforcement a report on equal protection in the south United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1965Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-E (1).

Civil rights directory

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.48103 CIV (1).

Civil rights issues of Euro-ethnic Americans in the United States opportunities and challanges United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-C (1).

The federal civil rights vol II: to provide ... for fair housing United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1974Availability: No items available :

Federal career directory 1975 a guide for college students

by United States Civil Service Commission.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1974Availability: No items available :

The federal fair housing enforcement effort a report United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 353.350973 UNI-F (1).

Civil rights directory 1981 United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.48103 CIV (1).

School desegregation in Ogden, Utah a staff report United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 379.263 UNI-S (1).

Civil rights digest United States Commission on Civil Rights.-vol. 1, no. 1, (1968)-

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 CIV (1).

The federal civil rights enforcement effort seven months later United States Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1971Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-F (1).

The federal incentive awards program Office of Incentive Systems

by United States Civil Service Commission. Office of Incentive Systems.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 658.3126 UNI-F (1).

Hearing before the Commission Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1973Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 347.4203 UNI-H (2).

Hearing before the Commission Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 347.4201 UNI-H (1).

Hearing before the Commission age discrimination in federally assisted programs Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 347.4203 UNI-H (1).

Hearing before the Commission immigration policy and procedure Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 347.4203 UNI-H (2).

Hearing before the Commission American Indian issues in the state of Washington Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 345.4203 UNI-H (2).

Hearing before the Commission age discrimination in federally - assisted programs Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1977Availability: No items available :

Hearing before the Commission American Indian issues in the state of South Dakota Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1979Availability: No items available :

Discrimination against minorities and women in pensions and health, life and disability insurance Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1978Availability: No items available :

Religious discrimination a neglected issue Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 261.834 UNI-R (1).

Civil rights issues of handicapped Americans public policy implications Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-C (1).

Civil rights issues in Health care delivery Commission on Civil Rights

by United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-C (1).

Report Panel of Government and the Advancement of Social Justice, Health, Welfare, Education and Civil Rights

by United States President's Commission for a National Agenda. Panel of Government and the Advancement of Social Justice, Health, Welfare and Education and Civil Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Washington Library of Congress 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 330.372 UNI-R (1).

Report of the proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States

by Judicial Conference of the United States Wasihngton April 6-7, 1972.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1972Availability: No items available :

Report of the proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States

by Judicial Confernce of the United States Wasihngton September 19-20, 1974.

Language: English Publisher: Washington United States Government Printing Office 1974Availability: No items available :

Annual report Attorney General of the United States

by United States Attorney General.

Language: English Publisher: Washington US. Government Printing Office 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 353 UNI-A (1).

Human rights teaching vol. 3, 1982 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1982Availability: No items available :

Report Seminar on 'Anti-Apartheid & Human Rights' Indian National Committee

by Seminar on 'Anti-Apartheid & Human Rights New Delhi 29 & 30 January 1979 | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Indian National Committee.

Language: English Publisher: New Delhi UNESCO Club 1979Availability: No items available :

Illiteracy and human rights puplished on the occasian of the Internationl year for human rights 1968 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 UNI-I (1).

Peace on earth a peace anthology United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

Language: English Publisher: Paris UNESCO 1980Availability: No items available :

These rights and freedoms Department of Public Information

by United Nations Department of Public Information.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1950Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.41 UNI-T (1).

United Nations action in the field of human rights Centre for Human Rights

by United Nations Centre for Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323 UNI-U (1).

Rescue Scottish Home Department

by Great Britain Scottish Home Department.

Language: English Publisher: London Her Majesty's Stationery Off. 1965Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.042 GRE-R (1).

Yearbook on human rights for 1980

Language: English Publisher: New York United Nations 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.06 YEA (1).

India's needs the duties both of government & people John Murdoch

by Murdoch, John.

Language: English Publisher: Madras S.P.C.K.Press 1900Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 323.3 MUR-I (1).

Human rights

by UNESCO Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Language: English Publisher: Paris United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation 1950Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 341.481 HUM (1).

Human rights in the Hindu-Buddhist tradition Lal Deosa Rai illustrated by Uday Shankar

by Rai, Lal Deosa | Uday Shankar [ill.].

Language: English Publisher: Jaipur Nirala Publications 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 342.5411 RAI-H (1).

Cases on the Constitution of India vol. II: 1952 -54 Constitution Durga Das Basu

by Basu, Durga Das | India. Constitution.

Language: English Publisher: Calcutta S.C. Sarkar 1956Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 342.54 CAS (1).

Constitution of India Constitution V.N. Shukla

by India. Constitution | Shukla, V.N.

Language: English Publisher: Lucknow Eastern Book Company 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 342.54 SHU-C (1).

Directive principles and fundamental rights relationship and policy perspectives Sudesh Kumar Sharma

by Sharma, Sudesh Kumar.

Language: English Publisher: New Delhi Deep & Deep 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 342.5409 SHA-D (1).

Myth and reality of the protection of Civil Rights Law a case study of untouchability in rural India India. Laws, Statutes, etc. Dinesh Khosla

by Khosla, Dinesh | India. Laws, Statutes, etc.

Language: English Publisher: New Delhi Hindustan Publishing Corporation c1987Availability: Items available for loan: Central Secretariat LibraryCall number: 342.5409 MYT (1).

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